In the backpack (above):
- Peep toe platforms
- Flip flops
- B&W striped calf length leggings
- Black leggings
- Lacy foot socks, 3 pr
- Bathing suit
- Goggles
- Black capris (channeling Ms. Hepburn)
- Gold high-waisted pants
- LT grey khaki cutofffs
- Long sleeve denim snap shirt
- Tan merino cardigan
- Travel skirt (can pull up to strapless dress)
- Grey cotton dress (pajamas that can double as an outfit w/ leggings)
- Tanks, white, yellow & white, magenta
- Camisoles, navy, white
- Sheer hexagon print top
- Sheer metallic ribbon top
- Brown cotton ruffle lace t shirt
- Floral print t shirt
- Ribbon hat
- Pink handknit shawl
- Leopard print neck scarf
- Cosmetics
- Toiletries
- Black cashmere sweater
- Dark wash jeans
- Foot socks
- White blazer
- Loafers
Purse (above):
- Wallet
- Passport
- Phone
- Earphones
- Adapter
- Charging cord
- Travel wetnaps
- DSLR camera
- Scarf-cum-camera wrap
- Glasses
- Sunglasses
- Eye patch
- Ear plugs
- Umbrella (rain forecasted!)
- Handkerchiefs, 2
- Moleskine
- Lip balm
- Eco bag
Tucked in a linen napkin and tenugui after reading an email, from the trip coordinator, warning that Italian hotels tend not to provide washcloths.
We'll see how well I did as the trip goes. Weather us supposed to be like So Cal, in which case I am quite confident. Off I go--ciao!