As I scrambled around, I discovered that I have nary a knitted item of my own with which to keep warm! Just a Clapotis scarf from October 2005; and a pair of fingerless mittens in garter stitch, from my first *real* knitting book (M. Falick's Weekend Knitting)--although, unfortunately--knitted in acrylic yarn (before I realized Michael's was not the sole source of knitting materials). Sad, huh?
And then I decided. 2009, instead of being a year of finishing up any WIPs (there are loads!), will be a year of Knitting For Me. To that end, it's my goal to get set up properly on Ravelry (though I can't make a full commitment to that as I'm still learning how to blog!). Which shouldn't be too hard, since I reorganized my stash a few months ago. Though it may entail learning how to make a light box for the photo shoots. [Suddenly, it's a huge project...]
I'm already always caught up in the wealth of information available on Ravelry. I'd really like to knit (instead of dream or talk about): a sweater (Sideways-knit Cable Sweater, Urban Aran, Forecast? Or maybe I'll frog and re-knit my two failed attempts (Apricot Jacke & Spring Fling)); knee-high socks; Chevalier Mittens; and a hat (Felicity [pdf], Urchin, Morgan, Trinity Stitch Beret, Selbu Modern[pdf]?).
But in the midst of my reveling and researching, and despite having opened up my email to headlines of a frigid wave sweeping the northern Midwest states to New England, and as far south as th Gulf Coast, we here in California have been hit with a spurt of record highs!
Off are the stockings, sleeves, and sportcoats! This is the scene from today's lunch: clear blue skies and people enjoying things "back to normal."
Me? I will persevere in my knitting nevertheless. The convertible mittens are almost done, and I'm setting my sights on the next project. Onwards, and happy knitting!
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