I dove into my stashes. Fabric: small, odd-sized pieces, a few inches by a few inches, that I'd been saving for some kind of use one of these days... I'm especially pleased about being able to use the hot pink with multicolored cherry blossoms--something I brought home from Japan an embarrassing number of years ago. Stationery: I cut some letter-writing paper in half to add more color. I had some gold- and silver-splashed paper that worked wonderfully.
After just a bit of fudging with tension and stitch length I was off and running. In a couple hours (measured by the passage of a couple of tween dramas), I had a dozen cards.
Here's a few things I did differently:
Because my fabric scraps were all different sizes, I simply folded each piece in half and eyeballed a heart-shaped cut. Then gave them all a quick press under the iron.
I put each fabric heart in place with a little bit of glue to avoid bunching or slipping off position. This was helpful because there was a lot of turning involved to follow the curves and points of the shape.
I also played around with sewing the "fold" border onto the background cardstock at different edges, just to mix it up a bit.
This spool of thread in variegated reds added a fun, whimsical look, but also saved me both time and money in terms of not having to buy more than one spool, and not having to re-thread the sewing machine multiple times. I chose to do zig-zag stitch for the cards' borders to show off the color changes.
The thread was the only item I purchased (with a 40% off coupon to boot), making the grand total for this project was something like eighty-four cents. That's a whole lotta bang for under a buck!
I'm putting the last few in today's mail, and since they're all going domestic, my friends should receive them just in time. (DC's was the prototype, which I managed to finish early and slip in his bag before he left for a conference on Wednesday.) If you've got time today--or even tomorrow if you're going to hand-deliver--I highly recommend this quick and fun project! Hearts will be glad!
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