It got done sooner rather than later, though the posting about it here has been the reverse. No changes to the original pattern.
Needles: US3 Addi 16" circular
Yarn 1: ShiBui Knits Sock, Gekiryuu/Rapids
Yarn 2: Patons Kroy Sock, Chelsea Tweed
Yarn 3: Navy merino leftover from the first FO.
[looks nice on the reverse side, too, no?]
The edge where the yarn ends are carried up looks ropelike and much neater than I thought it would (sorry, no pic). The most tricky bit about working with three yarns was the different amounts I had of each. This one turned out smaller than the first Baktus I knit, but still wrap-around-able and tie-able:
I wanted to keep this one for myself, but instead gave it to my friend for her birthday last weekend. Oh, sacrifices. I'll just have to dig up combo of sock yarn leftovers and knit another one, I suppose... darn. (^o^)
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