My BSF study of the book of John ended about a month ago. Here's something my lecturer shared with the group, a wonderful explanation of John 3:16 -- the most quoted verse in all the Bible.
God ...the greatest lover
so loved ...the greatest degree
the world ...the greatest company
that He gave ...the greatest act
His only Son ...the greatest gift
that whoever ...the greatest opportunity
believes ...the greatest simplicity
shall not perish ...the greatest promise
but ...the greatest difference
have ...the greatest certainty
eternal life ...the greatest possession
I scribbled it down when she showed it on the PPT and have been carrying it around for months now. Thought this a good way to both remember it and share. I hope you not only read this, but know it; and if you don't know it or are uncertain of it, seek with an open mind and heart, and discover it to be true.
thank you J.D. blessed you, J.D.