Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It's been a while since I've got my thrift on, which speaks to the thrilling and busy weekends I've had, with friends and other social commitments, of late. A recent Saturday afternoon with nothing to do left me with a few hours to hit up two local joints, which in turn scored me a few items to wear and some to use as raw materials for future projects.

thrifted threads
Above: a couple pairs of running shorts; a silk blouse (it's Jigsaw, which totally reminds me of the UK!); and a cream-colored 3/4-sleeve jacket that's fully lined and fits me to a tee -- for $6.50! Below: a pair of suede pants and a Donegal tweed skirt. I'm such a sucker for the little flecks of dark brown, yellow, and blue! I have at least one idea in mind for these materials, and will try to work on a prototype before summer's end.

I did find a couple of cashmere sweaters that were so soft and were perfect candidates for recycling, but I decided to be more realistic about how much time that would take vs. how much yarn I already have.  (Many of my friends would be proud of that move.)  The big find, however, was awaiting  -- as you may have suspected -- in the housewares section.

The organized chaos of the housewares -- a.k.a. "bric-a-brac" -- section always cries out to me, and this time the awesomeness was easy to spot for its distinctive hourglass shape and leather + wood collar. It's a Chemex coffee maker! I'd learned about them from the kitchn and saw one in action when I went to Intelligentsia for a birthday coffee. When I saw it sitting there on a shelf amidst other random glass pieces, out came the trusty iPhone for product and image searches. I didn't find too much information on any reproductions, and after someone else picked it up (What is this? said the expression on their face, before setting it down again), the anxiety I felt over the near loss made me realize that I should just buy it. At $3, I guess it's okay if it ends up not the original thing!  More research is underway; it might be more difficult since there are no markings on the wood or glass, but I'll see what the Internets has for me.  Up ahead is the trip to pick up some filters, the making of coffee, and the comparison with my standby and trusty French press.  Stay tuned!

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