An interesting thing, though. I turned the sock inside-out to weave in the ends, and discovered that I quite like the look of it that way! Check it out (the one on the right):
The difference is subtle, but very textural. Here's another shot, which shoes the soles:
What do you think? I like both! I'm going to tell my dad he can wear them either way. Knowing him, though, I suspect he'll opt for the traditional stockinette side showing. Well, he can do as he pleases. They're his socks, after all!
Re: the yarn. This was my first time knitting with Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn, and I really enjoyed it! There were no knots or snargles. The yarn is not sproingy like Koigu, Cherry Tree Hill, or ShiBui, but feels smoother than Regia or Opal. It's defninitely a yarn I'd use again (and again), and not just for socks!
These still need to be blocked, and I promise they will be before my parents' return from their travels.
Happy (belated) birthday, Dad!
cute! 'snargles' hahaha..