Packing to move was a real process. I brought smaller, more manageable boxes home from work. Somehow, I thought all my *stuff *would fit in a half dozen of them. Then my stationery alone took up two! So I brought home more boxes. And then more, just in case. And I used them all (about 24? or more?). And I brought home the dolly.
When we got back from D.C. on Sunday, we stopped off at his place and picked up only the basics of toiletries and clothes for the work week. He's actually encouraged me to take my time and go through everything, to eliminate the *stuff* I don't need instead of truckin' it over to my new place. I think that's pretty good advice.
And I admit: I don't need the box full of empty Japanese confections boxes (but they're so pretty, and I can wrap my knitted gifts in them, and it's so wasteful to throw them out!), and I should work on hemming and repurposing the pile of old clothes, and the yarn does need to get knitting into something.... And there's other *stuff* that I don't use on a daily (or monthly, or yearly) basis, but that I don't want to get rid of. Albums and scrapbooks. Handwritten letters. Really nice dishes and vases purchased abroad (and painstakingly taken back home). Do I make space for them in my apartment and lug them around with me each time I move? Do I leave them at my parents' place? Do I "go digital" (scan, save to external hard drive, and toss)? Or do I get rid of things I am not using At. This. Moment. and be forced to buy again and perhaps more expensively when I need them again?
What do you, or would you, do?
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