Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Real life

These days DC is on his summer researching and writing schedule, and is thus spending more time at his place -- which means that I have reverted back to my nocturnal and "spread out" ways.  So much for pretty posed shots, friends.  Today I show you how I really live!  Are you ready?!

Cleanliness-wise, DC and I are pretty much the same.  However, he is much, much tidier than me.  For him, everything has its place, from whence it comes when needed and is returned when not in use.  Not so much with me.  I am working on so many different projects (chores, duties) at once, and I like to have  it all in arm's reach.  And I'm okay with piles.  In witness thereof:


Days apart from DC are those that I give over openly and nearly entirely to my hobbies (the one's he's not so interested in) -- namely, knitting and ninjas.  Here I am winding yarn for a new project, while watching my favorite anime series with my laptop hooked up to the flatscreen (no messing around here!).  Perfect, especially with no-thinking stockinette stitch!  Now, all I need to figure out is how to hook the audio so it comes out of my flatscreen, and not the wimpy laptop speakers.  My brother got me the audio cable, and I plugged the red and white ends into the flatscreen (Audio in section) and the other end into the earphone jack on my laptop, but no luck.  Any tech-savvy helpers out there?

laundry[Good thing I can't afford that Eames LCW chair yet -- lots of room for the drying rack and ironing board!]

I also use the time apart to do my more time-consuming chores.  Like laundry.  And hand washing.   And air drying.  And ironing.  Goodstuff.

Don't be afraid, friends!  It doesn't stay this way for (too) long.  The apartment blows up during the week, but I'll make sure to do a thorough clean (dusting, sweeping, taking out the garbage, etc.) before the weekend.  Because I feel like weekends are their own entities.  So they deserve their own space for a new mess. 

 Onwards to more productive lazy days!

1 comment:

  1. Did you mention a fondness for ninjas? Have you seen this new trailer yet? http://www.firstshowing.net/2009/07/23/must-watch-the-insanely-awesome-ninja-assassin-trailer/
