Friday, October 9, 2009

My kind of sandwich

Although I'm sure that in my childhood days I was seduced by the Oscar Mayer jingle and succumbed to a few bologna and cheese sandwiches, along with -- okay, I admit it -- the odd Lunchable here and there, by and large, the idea of cold meats has never really appealed to me.  Which explains why I'm not such a fan of sandwiches.  When it comes to preparing lunches to bring to work, making a sandwich is a last resort.

So it has to be my way, or I won't touch it -- which means I have to make it myself.  DC once packed me a sandwich with thick tomato slices and cheese that, by the time I got to it, was soggy and got stuck in my molars.  I came home with 2/3 of it and made him a sandwhich the next day, for his reference.

Yesterday, rushing to catch my bus, I only had time to toss my ingredients in a bag before heading out the door.  That ended up better for me after all, since I like to take my time.

Here's the kind of sandwich that works for me:

my sandy

  • Whole wheat sourdough, lightly toasted

  • Swiss cheese (put on the bread as soon as it's done toasting)

  • Plain ol' yellow mustard and mayo

  • Turkey

  • Salami

  • Mashed avocado

The avocado really makes a difference, and makes me really glad to live in California (although they've been coming in from Mexico and Chile a lot this year, which is why I try to buy them at the farmers market as often as possible); a ripe one, well mashed, will not slide out the ways slices will, and you're sure to get a little in every bite, which is very important.  This sandwhich would have been *perfect* if I'd grabbed a tomato or had some sprouts on hand, but that's cool.  Add a can of Coke and a girl's in heaven -- and powered-up for the rest of the worklong day. 

How do you like your sandwiches?

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