Thursday, July 29, 2010

Eating out: Folliero's

As we were leaving Good Girl Dinette, a restaurant piqued our interest.  Couldn't quite make out whether the first letter was a "T" or a "P" -- the windows behind the sign made it hard to see, and we were in a moving vehicle.  But soon enough, Google and Yelp were consulted, and the restaurant was a definite for the "To Go" list.

[serving highland park since 1968]

Folliero's looks small on the outside, but is larger once you're inside.  The decor is simple, quaint: exposed brick walls adorned with old pictures of the neighborhood, dim lighting, salt + pepper and parmesean + pepper shakers at each table.  It was a packed night; there were four groups ahead of us!  But the wait was worth it:

[parmigiana di melanzane; garlic bread; gnocchi]


And it was totally affordable.  Downright cheap, even.  Our waiter was very pleasant; it looked like a lot of the patrons weren't first-timers by any means.  This restaurant is now definitely on the Visit Again list!

Three for three: not bad, innit?

I'm totally up for recommendations, too, so speak up, these ears are open!  Bon appetites!

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